The Future of Kitchen Extract Maintenance

Creating a sustainable future
for the industry.

Our approach distinguishes itself with a strong emphasis on sustainability. By cleaning, sealing, and maintaining kitchen extract systems, we not only reduce your long-term maintenance expenses but also minimize the risk of fires and enhance overall system efficiency.

  • One of our team members conducts a site inspection to assess the kitchen extract system and canopy 

  • The system undergoes cleaning as a preparatory step for the application of RZ-Ecoseal® 

  • Next, we apply RZ-Ecoseal® to the internal surface of the ductwork 

  • Following the application of RZ-Ecoseal®, we provide ongoing maintenance cleans for your system

What are the benefits?

The process we offer brings substantial long-term benefits, providing you with the peace of mind that your system is protected and runs efficiently.

Cost Reduction - Your system will need fewer cleans, resulting in potential savings of up to 50% on your maintenance costs.

Carbon Footprint Reduced -A fully sealed system consumes 30% less energy compared to an unsealed one.

Reduced Fire Risk - Reducing grease levels contributes to a decreased fire risk, thereby enhancing the safety of your building.

Increased System Efficiency - A sealed system operates at peak performance and doesn’t waste any energy.

Reduced Grease Levels

Why Choose

Why is this important?

Kitchen extract fires often originate from grease buildup and inadequate maintenance practices. With the RZ-Clean-Seal® method, we take comprehensive steps to ensure the entire system is thoroughly cleaned. Our process involves a system inspection and a tailored cleaning plan that reduces fire risk and ensures you are compliant with TR/19® 

By sealing the system with RZ-Ecoseal®, we prevent the accumulation of grease on the duct’s surface, reducing grease levels by 50%. Any remaining grease within the system is prevented from carbonizing significantly lowering the
risk of a fire.

With the RZ-Clean-Seal® three-step process, you not only reduce the risk but also ensure the protection of your building. In essence, this protection translates to a safer environment, as kitchen extract fires can be devastating.

Environmental Policy

At RZ-Clean-Seal®, we embrace a commitment to both our environment and our community. We do so by steadfastly adhering to the principles outlined in our Environmental Charter:

Our Training Centre

Located in the heart of Wakefield, West Yorkshire we provide comprehensive training to our 
operatives. Our training equips them with the skills needed to effectively Clean, Seal and 
Maintain kitchen extract systems, consistently delivering outstanding results.

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